And the award goes to. . . .

As those of you who have followed us recently or have taken time to read our “About A Hint Of Garlic” page will know,  we are new to blogging and thoroughly enjoying the opportunity to share with family, friends and the rest of the world our attempts at recreating some of the recipes that we have come across, while trying to add our own twist or variation at the same time. Oh, Mr A Hint of Garlic also enjoys the occasional 😉 glass of whisky and offers his own humble opinion of how each bottle in his ever-growing collection tastes.

So far we have received some wonderful comments from new-found friends across the world which is great and only serves to inspire us to share with you our adventures even more. ( Yes, Mr will drink more whisky just for you! ) Some of our favourite posts so far have included;

Fresh Baked Bread

Ultimate Victoria Sponge Cake

Hot Nuts

Moroccan Tagine


Anyway, back to the purpose of this post. Imagine our delight and surprise when we received a message this morning to let us know that own blog had been nominated for the Liebster Award by Betsy at the Bits and Breadcrumbs blog. ( Thank you so much Betsy ! This really made our day )


The Liebster Blog Award is given to recognize your favorite up-and-coming bloggers who have fewer than 200 subscribers, and that you feel deserve more. It’s a cool way to meet more folks and learn some new things…and generally expand your horizons, in my opinion.

Rules are:

  1. Thank the giver and link back to the blogger who gave it to you.
  2. Reveal your top 5 bloggers and let them know by leaving a comment on their blog.
  3. Copy and paste the award on your blog.

And we would be delighted to nominate the following blogs; 

Laila Make My Cake : A very new UK-based blog that specialises in cakes and cake decoration for special occasions and celebrations. You really have to take a look at the sugar craft flowers that this wonderful baker produces, they are simply incredible !

The Whisky Woman : An American based whisky enthusiast who offers a wonderful insight into many aspects of whisky enjoyment. With posts ranging from information regarding specific distilleries or products to common sense advice on enjoying your whisky.

Around the World in Eighty Bakes : Join this baker as they attempt to bake sweet and savoury  dishes from countries around the world from the comfort of their very own kitchen.

Rhoda Kirwan : A wonderful collection of recipes from Rhoda who we believe is based in Ireland. The Mini Bakewell Tarts would be a great place to start in our view.

Frugal Feeding : An amazing collection of very tempting recipes from a blog that has inspired us a great deal.

7 responses

  1. Congratulations on your award, I look forward to looking and meeting your nominated bloggers, myself and my sister did some catering this week and we made a sponge, I’ve yet to post it, another thing on my list of things to do for this week. Welcome to the world of blogging! I’m now on my way to have a look around your blog! Have a great week!

  2. Congrats, HoG!!
    I totally support your nomination. 🙂 In addition, THANK YOU for your recommendation of my blog! 😀 I’m honored and will happily pass the torch. Keep up the awesome work, happy to be on the blog circuit w/you!

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