Movember 2012 – Prostate & Testicular Cancer Appeal

Hello WordPress friends old & new

I would normally be bringing you an informative review of a great bottle of whisky or sharing a family recipe for a delicious dish however today I am seeking your help to try to put and end to Prostate & Testicular Cancer that affects so many men and their families throughout the world.

Did you know that in the UK alone one man dies from Prostate cancer EVERY HOUR !!

Please take just a few moments to follow the link below and make a small donation to help with this very worthy cause. By following the link directly to the official Movember site you can be sure that the money is paid directly to the charity.

Anyone donating more than £10.00 GBP will automatically be entered into a prize draw and earn the chance to win a fabulous prize !!

On behalf of all the men and their families that will need support from the Movember Charity I thank you

Movember – a global movement

Since its humble beginnings in Melbourne, Australia Movember has grown to become a truly global movement inspiring more than 1.9 Million Mo Bros and Mo Sistas to participate with formal campaigns in Australia, New Zealand, the US, Canada, the UK, South Africa, Ireland, Finland, the Netherlands, Spain, Denmark, Norway, Belgium and the Czech Republic. In addition, Movember is aware of Mo Bros and Mo Sistas supporting the campaign and men’s health causes across the globe, from Russia to Dubai, Hong Kong to Antarctica, Rio de Janeiro to Mumbai, and everywhere in between.

No matter the country or city, Movember will continue to work to change established habits and attitudes men have about their health, to educate men about the health risks they face, and to act on that knowledge, thereby increasing the chances of early detection, diagnosis and effective treatment.

In 2011, over 854,000 Mo Bros and Mo Sistas around the world got on board, raising GBP 79.3 million.

Big steps have been taken towards changing attitudes and habits relating to men’s health around the world but there is still much to be done to catch up with the women’s health movement. Via the moustache, Movember aims to fulfil its vision of having an everlasting impact on the face of men’s health, by continuing to spark conversation and spread awareness of men’s health each year.

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